Does the United Methodist Church in Suffolk County NY Offer Special Ministries for Couples and Families?

The United Methodist Church in Suffolk County NY offers special ministries for couples & families that are designed to help them build strong relationships. These ministries provide couples with resources to help them understand traditional views on sex & orientati

Does the United Methodist Church in Suffolk County NY Offer Special Ministries for Couples and Families?

Couples Ministry is one of the most successful programs of the United Methodist Church, providing couples with a strong foundation to strengthen their marriages. With many questions about traditional views on sex and orientation, I asked a couple of thousand questions about their relationship, polyamory, the hope for monogamy, the Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church, traditional marriage vows, the intriguing story of their lives, and my own theological and social position. After considering the pros and cons of their love and clarity, I concluded that what God has united, no human being should separate. Some weddings were held in churches, others outside, and one in an old three-car garage converted into a mission for the homeless.

Methodist in New Directions (MIND) has extensive experience and resources to help congregations in congregational discernment, write an inclusive welcome statement, and explain the importance of the Covenant of Conscience. I was officially charged with having celebrated this wedding, tried in an church trial, found guilty and dismissed. After the adoption of the “Traditional Plan” at the special session of the United Methodist General Conference a month ago, many UM congregations have held public demonstrations in support of LGBTQI brothers by voting to approve new inclusive welcome statements, hanging inclusive messages on their posters, raising rainbow flags, and much more. Jill mentioned that she had received a call to dedicate herself to ministry in the United Methodist Church and was in the process of being ordained.

Last year, Bayport United Methodist Church welcomed a new pastor who has worked hard to maintain and increase the church's connections to the community. The United Methodist Church in Suffolk County NY offers special ministries for couples and families that are designed to help them build strong relationships. These ministries provide couples with resources to help them understand traditional views on sex and orientation as well as polyamory and monogamy. They also provide guidance on traditional marriage vows and how to navigate difficult conversations about faith. Additionally, they offer support for LGBTQI brothers by providing inclusive welcome statements and raising rainbow flags.

Finally, they provide new pastors with resources to help them maintain strong connections with their communities. The United Methodist Church in Suffolk County NY is committed to helping couples and families build strong relationships through its special ministries. With its resources on traditional views on sex and orientation as well as polyamory and monogamy, it provides couples with a strong foundation to strengthen their marriages. It also offers support for LGBTQI brothers by providing inclusive welcome statements and raising rainbow flags.

Finally, it provides new pastors with resources to help them maintain strong connections with their communities.